Forgot password (or) How to reset your password?

Forgot password (or) How to reset your password?

  1. If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot Password in the login page.

  2. Enter the email address you had provided for your YouFactors account creation in the space showing “Please enter your registered email ID” and click Submit

  3. A text box opens showing, “Email sent successfully. Open the inbox of the email ID you submitted to view the password reset email under the subject, “Forgot password”.

  4. Open the email and click on the Password reset button. If the button does not work, click on the link below the button.

  5. A new page to reset your password opens. Enter your new password in the space showing “New Password” and confirm your password by re-entering the same password in the space showing “Confirm password”. 

  6. Click Save to save the new password. Now you can log in to your YouFactors account using the new password.  

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