1. Open the sidebar, click on User Management and choose Group.
2. Choose the Group Type using the dropdown menu.
3. Click on Add New Group, a blue box in the top right corner, to open the Add New Group form.
4. Enter the Group Name.
5. If you want to add details regarding the group, you can enter it under Description.
6. By default, a new group is set to Active. To make the group inactive, turn off the switch next to Active.
7. Click on Assign Users to add users to the group.
8. Select the Role using the drop-down menu and enter the name or email ID of the user in the search bar next to Role. The search results are shown below.
9. Select the user by checking the box before his/her name.
10. After selecting all the necessary Users, click Confirm.
11. You will find the added members under Newly Assigned Users. You can remove them by clicking on the “x” next to their names.
12. Finally, click on Create to create the group.